Linggo, Abril 27, 2014
Keep the End in Mind
What do you need to have to reach where you want to be ?
A college degree but a lot of graduates lurks around
but it seems they just go in circles ...
they get by and have a job
but they are not happy at all...
when you ask them just because it pays
then they stick to it
but deep inside their soul are restless and discontented...
a lot of what ifs ?
I heard some one before who left a high paying job
and accepted a much lower level job
but it what makes her happy.
You can also hear people leaving their present work
and studying again to learn a new trade.
Starting from scratch just so they can be happy at their work.
Or if you have seen the movie Eat Pray Love,
you will wonder what is she doing with her life .
She seems to have everything
but still she search the world to find the missing part of herself...
After your search for the missing part of yourself....
you learn new skills ,
putting all your energies to learning what you need to do.
Take the opportunity
to ask your teachers your questions
and be ready to receive criticism from them as well .
Read every materials you can lay your eyes on
to where your search leads you to...
It is your everyday motivation
that will lead you closer to your goal...
Even if you are happy with your present job,
expanding yourself through learning new ways of doing things...
It is important really to know where you are going...
in this journey you called Life...
Miyerkules, Abril 16, 2014
Power struggle (Between Parents and Kids )
Have you experience that you think you have done everything for your children but still they are miles apart from you ? You feel you have given all the love for your children and yet you feel they do not have love for you. Simply because they do things that you don't want. Then you are in a power struggle with your children.
Parents who love their children, but children who don' t feel love - how can this be ? Families who live and work together , who want more than anything to be happy together but who spend most of their time in conflict, struggling against each other - why does this happen ? Does family life have to be this way ? Although it may seem so at times, the real answer is no. Families will always have problems and difficulties . Yes , there will be stress and pain but there is overriding joy and fun and loving feelings for both parents and children. How can this happen ?
Who are parents ? Who are children ?
In the beginning, parents are people who are in love with each other especially at the time a child is conceived . For the mother to be, positive thoughts likely include a sense of fulfillment. The father, on the other hand, probably a sense of accomplishment. Some parents that because they are adults , they have more dignity and worth than their children. When these beliefs gets the upper hand, the children feels less important , and that doesn't feel good
Other parents , whether or not they realize it, operate under the assumption that their children are more valuable than they are. In these cases, the children assume the status of royalty. This puts parents in an awkward position, however, because even though they have the education and experience , their children have the power . Still other families vacillate between these two extremes , which doesn't work either, because in times of conflicts parents and siblings jockey for position and every one feels uncomfortable until a temporary truce is made.
What are children ?
They are just young people .They are human beings just like adults ; they are separate entities , not merely extension of their fathers and mothers . They are not possessions or subjects. As human beings , they are equal in value .
Children are born open, accepting, with a natural ability to give and receive love. They're very much in touch with what they want and feel and have a natural desire to grow and learn and love.
Our understanding of human relationship has evolved greatly over the centuries, but the concept that children are equal is still difficult for many adults to accept for several reasons . First, people often believe that equality means that children are the same as adults . Of course, they are not . Adults are more educated , experienced and have developed a sense of responsibility.
There's another reason adults resist the idea of children's equality : they confuse equality with freedom , thinking it means children have unlimited freedom and therefore are entitled to behave in any way they choose. That's not what equality means. After all, adults don't get to do those things either.
Equality does mean that children are entitled to the same dignity and respect as adults. Their needs are just as important . Also - this is very important - their feelings are just as valid.
Many parents are unaware that they devalue their children's feelings but the children know - or at least feel - the effects of their parents beliefs.
To fully understand how significant or valid children's feelings are , adults would do well to reflect on their own childhood . When you were growing up how important were your feelings ? And how did you feel when your parents did not take you seriously or even told you to stop feeling your feelings . You probably were angry or sad and very likely you felt alienated and alone . Certainly you did not feel respected and love.
Of course, parents really do want to be loving to their children , just as much as children want to feel loved. However, when behavior toward a child is unloving , whether or not a parents feels love for that child , the child feels unloved . And successfully handling conflict in the family is the key to a family life that has evolved from being a survival unit to a relationship between people which foster the growth of every family member and promises love and fun and joy for each other as individual and as a group.
What do you really want for your children ? For your family ?
The application for your families is clear: parents need to take time to reflect on goals for their families . No one would think of running a business without setting goals, but amazingly few parents take the time to do this for their families.
If you write your thoughts , the results might surprise you. Money , vacation , a nice home - these are desirables for the family. For children - get good grades, be a good athlete . But in an exercise where you would be asked to prioritize these things along with time .Others such as health , self esteem, caring for each other, the materials goods, educational and athletic achievement - fell surprisingly far down the line. It is even more revealing to note that most of our parenting problem center around conflicts over low priority goals. These conflicts are obstacles to achieving our highest priority goals. So what's the point ? Families need to take stocks or they are likely to end up where they are headed - achieving low priority goals at the expense of the things they consider the most important in life.
So what do you really want for your family ? To feel close to each other , comfortable and caring, to enjoy each other and have fun together - these are at least some of the priceless qualities which make life rich and meaningful.
A New Look At Old Ideas
When things don't go the way they want , most people just try harder , doing the same things they've been doing that haven't been working. The results are usually disastrous , whether in family relations , other's personal relations or even in business. Three things cause this repeating behavior: the persistent hope that trying harder will eventually mean success; ignorance of any other way of going about getting what they want; and the fear of trying something new.
Whether acting out of hope , ignorance or fear, parents do know that when the old ways don't work, life can become unbearably painful at that point they are usually willing to change. Others become willing to change when they recognize the difference between the way their family operates now and the way it could be - less stressful, happier , more satisfying.
Power struggles are rooted in the fear of being open to vulnerable feelings . Older children fear being wrong and therefore unloved and rejected, Second children develop a passively resistant personality due to their relationship with an older sibling . The older sibling 's approval is very important to younger siblings. Parents are often more controlling with the first born child and less rigid with subsequent children. First born expressing a large dose of control often becomes very parental with the second born.
The fears of being controlled and losing oneself and of losing love are the reasons that keep power struggle going. Children may pick on their siblings as a way of getting back at their parents for trying to control them. Kids know that their parents get upset by their battles and their fighting often reflects an unconscious desire to do to the parent what the parent is doing to them. If a child is neglected , fighting with siblings maybe a way to get parent's attention. The instigator of a power struggle may be expressing anger at his/her siblings for getting more of the parent's attention.
So how do we handle power struggles ??????
Sabado, Abril 12, 2014
Yes Brianne...Summer Is Gone
fun filled adventures, fancy love affairs
but then this is a different summer ...
because I MET YOU ...
i was creating a world filled with you
the days and nights
are bless with your caressing touches
but for sure, i can't go on cheating myself
i have a world where i really belong
a world of reality and not mere illusions
so i have to leave....
i never felt this way before
you taught me the importance of existence
i wish i could stay here with you
together with the lovely summer
but i have a life to keep
a future left undone
young as i am
i can't cling on love alone
but i wish, just a wish
that someday
we will meet again and ...
i thought summer brings out
the best all the time
but now it had only with me
packed bags and bittersweet memories
it hurts
but yes, summer's already gone
yes, brianne... summer's gone
Temporary Madness
maybe yes, maybe no
whichever, but for sure
you've seen me
perhaps even a dozen of times
but how come
you never heard of me
when my love for you
spoke loud volumes
of wild music
insanity ?
is love such
a temporary madness ????
if so then ....
insanity will be a sweet thing
do you care ?
perhaps not
for if you do,
you won't let me
suffer from this temporary madness
then for now
i bade you goodbye
to be back again
in my mental asylum
love... a temporary madness
Endless Questions
i am here in my twilight zone
dancing with the shadows in the dark
trying to reach an illusion
playing with the memories
and staring at the night sky
but the dreams
just fade away in the night
it hurts
to see the illusion
shattered into pieces, into distant dreams
when can i get hold of that touch
and see pain turn into ecstasy?
truth hurts
it is eating me up
nothing change
it is still all rationalization
a never ending coping
it never ends, like a cycle
like going in circles
it never stops - the pain
when will the shadows
stop dancing in the dark ?
when will i see crystal clear water ?
i am so dried up
i need a break
i need to see light in all these things
i think
i can not wait anymore
it has to be now
the story has to end to begin
to begin what ?
it is so shattering
i am all mixed up
i am muddled with all sorts of feelings
till i got to be passive
and be totally numb
i couldn't even cry
i don't even feel
what is this ?
am i in Uranus now ?
trying to find my way in space
i am floating now
but could i ....
wait forever ?
there's a limit
but where is the limit ?
there is a noise
in the room
telling a story
in a form
of a song
down memory lane
with the old songs
what songs will i play ?
a song about life's darkest secrets
there is pain everywhere
can i still take some more ?
i need a shoulder
but all i can see
are skeletons
in the closet
it is fear i know
and instead of pocketing them
i am facing them
in the mirror of reality
and i did not like the reflection i see
dancing with the shadows in the dark
trying to reach an illusion
playing with the memories
and staring at the night sky
but the dreams
just fade away in the night
it hurts
to see the illusion
shattered into pieces, into distant dreams
when can i get hold of that touch
and see pain turn into ecstasy?
truth hurts
it is eating me up
nothing change
it is still all rationalization
a never ending coping
it never ends, like a cycle
like going in circles
it never stops - the pain
when will the shadows
stop dancing in the dark ?
when will i see crystal clear water ?
i am so dried up
i need a break
i need to see light in all these things
i think
i can not wait anymore
it has to be now
the story has to end to begin
to begin what ?
it is so shattering
i am all mixed up
i am muddled with all sorts of feelings
till i got to be passive
and be totally numb
i couldn't even cry
i don't even feel
what is this ?
am i in Uranus now ?
trying to find my way in space
i am floating now
but could i ....
wait forever ?
there's a limit
but where is the limit ?
there is a noise
in the room
telling a story
in a form
of a song
down memory lane
with the old songs
what songs will i play ?
a song about life's darkest secrets
there is pain everywhere
can i still take some more ?
i need a shoulder
but all i can see
are skeletons
in the closet
it is fear i know
and instead of pocketing them
i am facing them
in the mirror of reality
and i did not like the reflection i see
after i was able
to let you be out of my system
maybe things would have been better
if they stayed the way they were
i don't want to FEEL anymore
i am just reminded of the pain
of those long agonizing years
i don't want that to happen
i have so much things that i have to do
i don't want to have time and
concentrate on the pain
i want to cry
but how can i, in a crowd ?
it's all darkness i see tonight
not even a single strand of hope
in the horizon
it's all bitterness
i just wanna quit
i can't stand your game anymore
going in circles
waiting for what ?
a drifter in the wind ?
lost in the direction
i am taking
could i still wait?
please don't accuse me of impatience
i am not guilty
nothing dance in my mind
but confusion
i can not even recognize my feelings
i am too damned stones
where will i go now
to seek for the answers ?
Crazy Feeling
but how about your feelings
do you feel the same
or not ?
when will things get clearer ?
will it stay as obscure as
it is now ?
are you hating me ?
or the other way around
but no matter what i do
i go back
to the same "old" crazy feeling
i have for you
i want time to fly
so that things will be clearer for me
it's killing me, the endless questioning
i am even losing hope
as if i can't wait no more
but i hope
that there will be
a fulfillment of every wishes
kept in my heart
so many things
i can't even face
but i have to
it's part of my life
trying to smile
despite the difficulties
and frustrations
i encounter
sometimes i wanna cry
but there are
no more tears to fall
why am i becoming like this ?
i guess the pain
made me numb
life is like a lost dream
all because of you
you taught me
to weave dreams
in the air castles
it is only there
that i could find
fulfillment of my love for you
Love Never Gives Up
whatever you say
you are in the deep recesses
of my mind
corny stuff, right ?
but i just want
to voice out
how i feel deep inside me
this is no strange feeling
i know you are aware
as i am
my life seems so empty
yet full of dreams
( and oh nightmares? )
if you'll only be there
to comfort me
and ease my loneliness
when i love a person
i try to give my all
always wishing the other person
to be happy
even if happiness
means leaving you
alone with yourself
i hope that
even for just sometime
you take time
to think of me
but with you i know
half the battle is won
i hope you are dead serious
or else i don't know
what's going to happen
to me
remember that
love never gives up
whatever happens
i will stay
if trials will come
it is just a test
on how much love endures
i don't know
if you are the "real one"
but i never felt this way
nor can i understand
the sudden changes in me
i never dream
this way
and all because of you
i don't only love you
during a particular part of the day
but every second
minutes and hours of a day
i long to kiss
the smiles on your lips
to touch
the strands of your hair
i've never been this foolish
i guess....
Biyernes, Abril 11, 2014
Psychological Torture
i was sixteen and so very foolish
i did not care much about you
though secretly i had a crush on you
we were young
and we had our studies to consider
so i thought it was not yet the time
for our love to come true
the days turn into months
and the months into years
but i never heard any news about you.
i wrote you a letter but you never answered back
why the sudden change in you ?
i thought you like me too
but now the sudden changes
you seem to be avoiding me
i'm puzzled by your actions
because of the ambivalence of your behavior
so many things are left unsaid
so many questions left unanswered
am i not entitled to fight for a dream ,no matter how shattered?
i kept this feelings for years
and i guess i refused to let it go
so i waited and HOPED
i tried to live in dreams
but i could not
the sharp pain tears me apart inch by inch
blocking out reality, i failed
through the years so many things changed in me
my life became different
but there's one thing that didn't change perhaps it never would
i am still in love with you
i love you so much
that i thought you couldn't help loving me too
i could have love you forever
if you only gave me even half the chance
Martes, Abril 8, 2014
I am Back
Just finished major employee activities - company outing , company kick off ...just recently send off a retiring employee who has stayed with the company for 37 yrs.
We miss her ..she's like a mother to all employees since she was the company nurse...
What's my next thing ? Preparing materials for my leadership training for management associates
We recently had an accreditation audit and we pass with one minor non compliance, so we are going to stage 2 audit in a few weeks now...was able to comply with requirements by the auditor.
Personally would like to be involve in activities to payback on all the blessings the Lord has given my way. I am so children are all working...still husband has recently been promoted to a position he loves..excited to help him be a powerful manager.
On my part I am enhancing my leadership training modules to empower my people...they are our link to the company's growth and future development.
So excited to make a difference to others lives...
Have a blessed life...
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