Martes, Hunyo 28, 2011

The Day the Lord Came Into My Life . . .

...I Was Blessed With An Abundant Life

When I was  much younger and still struggling in my career, I feel there was a lack in my life. My earnings  is not enough to even sustain my needs, much less save for the future. I can not even afford simple luxuries.

All my money goes to  my daily needs and helping my parents in the educational needs of my siblings.

Life was such a big challenge but I move on and face the daily chores with the hope of things getting better.

Then I discovered in my search that I have not been maximizing my mind power. My subconscious mind is responsible for my thought process.

What I feed it, what I tell it becomes my Reality.

So I have to think of abundance, that there is enough for every one. Just conceive what you want to become and it will be a reality. Just continue to dream your goals and you can write it. Visualize it... as if you have it .

When you think of abundance, you think of sharing... sharing your blessings makes it a double reality.

You are happy and you share and others are happy as well. So you sort of double your blessings and you create an abundance mentality.

The Lord does not want us to wallow in poverty, in wanting but instead wants us to be happy and experience abundant living.

Ever since I change my attitude and has utilize the power of my mind ... my life has been bless that I can even share my blessings.

At the start , it was not easy to face all your so called negative "programs", such as "I can't afford it",  "Money is the root of all evils"' I'm not good enough", If I give, nothing will be left for me", etc.

All these programs were blocking my way to prosperity.

Then I read on books, I have to write what I want and say it every day. Proclaim it to the universe.

I have to know what I want, specify my dream goals. Is it money ? car ? career ?

I have to know what my priorities are. What do I value in my life ?

Most of the time , we want a lot of things so our mind becomes confuse what to achieve first. So we have to have FOCUS, when we write our goals , what do we really want ?

If its money ? how much ? when will we have it ? will others benefit from it ?

The Bible mentioned in one of its verses that "we do not have because we did not ask"..

Lately I even learn how to make dream boards....or so called  Vision Boards ...

Just have a blank white board,  cut out from magazines of images or pictures of what your goals in life represent or you may draw...create a collage... then place this dream board where you can always see it .. be surprise to see them coming to reality

So start having goals, weave your dreams and know what you want... then surrender it to the Lord for manifestation...

Have a great life....

Lunes, Hunyo 27, 2011

Enjoying Everyday Life

Do you ?

Or are you always complaining ? finding what's missing ?

What don't you instead appreciate with what you have ? now ... whatever is infront of you ...

Yes... your kids... do you have time to bond with them ?  Stop the excuses of doing all your work for them. How will they appreciate you if you are always absent ? Find the excuses...

Your spouse...when was the last time you had a date ? or simply chatting with the days event ...don't be a boarder in your own house.

Your relatives and friends, always there when you needed them...a shoulder to cry on....  a bank with no interests when you borrow...

Your house many are living in the streets and yet you have a house complete with modern day conveniences... food at the table ...and many other things...

Your work... thousand of graduates and unemployed lined up companies just for an interview and yet you have a good paying job...appreciate your co-workers especially your boss...he decides for your annual merit increases...

the flowers on the road....the beautiful sunset at the end of your day... all of nature's best...all yours to appreciate without a single cent from your wallet ...

Life is one big joy to have...we just have to be thankful with what we have ... see the glass as half full... not half empty...

You may feel nothing to be thankful for... take a deep breath.... air ... our breath is God's special gift to us...  we have life today ... do we have the insurance that we will still be alive tomorrow?

Well, how we wish we can buy that insurance policy ... so enjoy your every day while you have the opportunity...

If you have 36 hours to live, what three (3) things will you do ?

Most would answer spend time with family and ask for God's forgiveness... but why wait for the last 36 hours of your life...since we don't have the insurance...

So when will you do these 3 things... DO THEM NOW...and enjoy

Sabado, Hunyo 25, 2011

Just A Friend

you're my crush 'coz of your cuteness
it might be the difference in you
the uniqueness of your sweet smiles
with caress and embraces of your touch

as days passed by
with you, i've made the most of my life
and face life with smiles on my face
perhaps,the down of it, didn't made me?

to discover the inner most part of myself,
of what do i really feel towards you ?
and then i begin to reflect my thoughts,
what meaning do you give to life ?

i spent so many sleepless nights
thinking of the down to earth jokes we've shared
but why must your image
keep haunting me even in my dreams ?

is it love ?
or mere kindness that make us near
i was mixed up for it is difficult
to understand  the real score of our friendship

what cause us to share love's goodness
why can't i simply turn you down ?
will there be  a place for us someday ?
why can't i make things go without you ?

i was lost and confuse
and your touch gave protection
your eyes gave light and love
and i started to "need" you

am i not worth to be called your "dearest one"?
what am i to do now?
start building a "new" world
just to break it into pieces later on

i may be bitter but i'm not hating you
i am still in my right senses
and i know we're nothing but friends had been "that way" ever since

you left me with a touch of pain
and shattered dreams to cling on
what's instore for my "tomorrow"?
now i am lost again...

now i know the real score of our "friendship"
for you, i may just be a friend
and yet for me
you're more than just a friend

i love soft and oh so sweet
filled with affection and earth's goodness
perhaps even paradise and heights of heaven's glory
a very short phrase you took for granted

Miyerkules, Hunyo 22, 2011

Why Do We Get Sick?

Our natural state is one of good health and vitality . When we are sick there is an imbalance or blockage in our  total energy level . This may mean we maybe blocking our emotions , not loving our self enough , limiting beliefs or afraid to ask for what want in our life . Sickness is a sign of suppressed emotions .

Research shows that 90% of our sickness is caused by our emotional issues such as unresolved anger, resentments and other negative emotions. Cancer stricken  patients are found to have unresolved  emotional issues, that is why they are sick. These suppressed emotions are stored up in our bodies which prevents energy flowing in our body and eventually causes symptoms and sickness so that our attention goes to these unresolved issues.

On top of this, our busy lifestyle has cause us to rely so much  on processed ready to eat foods – canned goods , so called “junk” foods , chemically laden fruit juices and drinks. Our career has caused too much stress also which contributes to diseases such as hypertension , diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

Sometimes we get sick because our “ spirit” is sick. The state of our spirit manifest in our body. We get sick because we are spiritually deprived. Because we have the  material things  we need, our  tendency to overlook our spiritual self.

We shop, we dine, we play but we forget to go and hear the Holy Mass even just on a Sunday . We overlook  our responsibilities with the Lord.

Relationship issues causes us to be sick.  Differences with parents, spouse or children depresses us. Do the people around you uplift our spirit ? or put down our self-esteem ?

Environmental  toxins  causes us to be sick. Pollution, waste and chemicals causes asthma and other air borne diseases. Waste generate germs in our surroundings.

Some with what they call Type A personality are prone to stress related disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, gastro intestinal, fatigue , stress ,hypertension, migrane headaches , ulcers , asthma , depression and chronic diarrhea. 

These people have a strong sense of urgency , they are highly competitive and gets easily angry when he doesn’t get his way. Although they are successful however they have a high incidence of the stress related disorders.

So you see a lot of factors affect our health …we just have to be aware what causes us to be sick…Is it the food that we eat ? Or the emotional pains we carry in our hearts ? the pollution in our environment ?

Knowing these information, lifestyle change will heal us from our so called sickness …  of course  , prayers help also.
What does your sickness mean ?

1.  Work out the body language

What metaphors is your body using ? What is your body expressing is a symbolic way ? What issues in your current life might it be linked with ? Brainstorm the possibilities , and check what relates with you.

   2.  What are the advantages of having this sickness ?

Be honest . Is it giving you time to rest for a few days ? or excused for an important but unwanted responsibilities ?  Just a way to say NO ?

   3. What are your unmet needs or suppressed emotions that you have been ignoring ?

Which emotions is your “inner “ child trying to express ? Sadness ? Resentment ? Love ? What unmet needs are you  trying to get attention ? In what ways are you not giving importance to your self ?

4.  What are the negative beliefs which encouraged this illness to develop ?

How have you programmed your body to become sick ?  such as “I always get cold” , “My family has a history heart disease” , among others . Beliefs are more dangerous than viruses .

  5. What action do you need to take ?

What is the lesson you need to learn and how you can prove that you learned the lesson from it ? Understanding the message from your body is a waste of time unless you can act on it .   

  6.  Focus on health rather than sickness .

    See yourself in perfect health . We get what we concentrate on . The more we think about something  ( sickness ) , the more likely that we create them. Make the decision to get well .

Lunes, Hunyo 20, 2011

Dark Night of the Soul

Have you experience "spiritual dryness"? Moments when you can not feel God's presence in your life...when all your prayers are not answered and you wonder is there really a God ? Then you drift away and do all the worldly things regardless of the consequences... that they say is the "Dark Night of the Soul".

Do you remember the story of the "Footprints in the Sand "?... where there was only one set of footprints because God carried you along the darkest moments...

Perhaps there was "dryness" because we failed to realize that only God can satisfy our deepest need.

What we really need is to trust God, after doing our share and we may feel there is nothing we can do then it's time to surrender to the Lord and let Him do the rest. It is hard to explain this phenomena but perhaps that is why we have what we call a miracle.

After praying for your needs and wants, do your share and then God answers your prayers. How else can you explain except for God's graces.

There are times the answers does not come when you want it.

But "God's delays are not God's denials".

The answers comes at the right time. Perhaps at God's appropriate time.

When you feel spiritual dryness, try to :

1. Find God in the ordinary

See God's love every where even in the small things ...a beautiful flower...a cute baby...a sumptuous dinner

2. Continue praying

Sometimes we do not have because we do not ask. We assume God knows what we want.

But no, He wants us to be humble and ask for His graces and blessings.

3.Surround yourself  with holy company

Be with people who will have a positive influence in your life. Listen to inspirational speakers. Read motivational books. Listen to God's preachers.

This is just a challenge and like any tests, we have to pass it with flying colors.

Have a great week ahead and God bless you always.

Sabado, Hunyo 18, 2011

Writing of Pain

Parenting is one responsibility that college education did not prepare us to handle or even any other experience. It just comes, the daily challenges of parenthood.

Now the storm has somehow calmed down but there were moments of pain and feelings of desperation and hopelessness. But with prayer and God's help, I was able to overcome those stormy nights.

Someday I want to develop a training program for parents to assist them in their parenting skills and be the best parent that they can be less the stress and pain.

God does not want to spare us from the pain so you truly appreciate the joy when you achieve your goals.

Once in while there are still bumps along the way but the bonding that has developed during those stormy nights has given us strength to pass all the challenges of daily life as  a parent.

Reflect on life ? How has it been ? challenges...accomplishments...trials...triumphs,love, joy, pain, success...

How will you describe a life well lived ? Everything happens for a reason.  Lessons learned from every challenges that we face. My parents has instilled  within me proper values on family, hard work and love of God.

My Dad left us 8 years ago to join his Creator , a bullet ended his life. Till now we don't the reason why he was killed.

Dad loved us so much. He labored hard to give us a good future. I think he did not even finish his high school education because he got married at 18 yrs old. But despite his humble beginnings, we finish our college education. We are seven, well, one brother decided not to pursue college but now has his own business.

Sometimes you wish he is still around especially during Christmas time where we have family reunions.He feel so accomplished seeing all  his children and grandchildren together even for a day.

We really miss him during such events knowing all the hard work he had just so we can have a better future than what life has offered him.

I know Dad you are so proud of us. You inspired us to do our best so we can be the best we can be.

We miss you as you always empower us with your presence. I know you are still around to guide us and protect us.

Sometimes when I stroll at the mall, I remember how you love to go to malls to while away your time but that time I was a busy corporate executive and you said I don't have time for my children. So we did not have a bonding time.

Dad, probably you can see now in heaven how malls has mushroom in the city and the provinces.

When there are special events in the news..hostage taking, celebrities funeral wake, I suddenly remember you because I know you will go where the action is. Remember how you took the effort and fall in line in Rico Yan's funeral wake at La Salle Greenhills.

You were always in a hurry I know why...your life was short... we joke that maybe you have a meeting to attend.

Your life was short but it was well lived for in our hearts you will always be there.

It's Father's Day and today I want to honor all the fathers out there who gave the same sacrifice you had for us  .

Dad, Happy Father's Day. till we meet again. We Love You.

Biyernes, Hunyo 17, 2011

Just You

24 hours a day
my mind and heart is
preoccupied with your thoughts

i just can't get enough of you
my life is all about you

the moment I wake up
  in the morning
you're in my mind 

asking myself if you are awake
 as well already

have you started your day too

i always look forward
the time we can be together
  and share life's moments

how crazy can I be
  all i want is just to be with you
spend my whole life with you

but what if you don't feel the same way

all i have in my mind, in my life
  is and you

nothing more, nothing less



Miyerkules, Hunyo 15, 2011

The Power of the Mind

Research shows we only use 10% of our abilities. Just imagine what will happen if we will use the 90%. So why are we not using it.

Our mind is a powerful tool. In it we weave our dreams, we relax our body, we form our attitudes and belief. It literally rule our life. Whatever we tell it to do even if there is no physical stimuli, we follow it's command.

Imagine a green mango infront of you ( please close your eyes when you do this exercise ) then you get a knife and you started to peel it off. Afterwards you slice it.

Did you experience the sour taste of the mango ( even if there is no physical presence of the green mango ) ? That's one test of how powerful our mind is.

Using this powerful tool, we can heal our physical ailment. Dr. Simonton of the book " Getting Well Again" use this powerful tool when he treated his cancer patients. He discovered that patients using visualization techniques imagining cancer cells being beaten by healthy anti-cancer cells.

He combined traditional medical treatment with alternative therapies which involves using the mind to combat the cancer cells in our body.

Before we use this techniques we have to let go of whatever emotional pain we have and do relaxation exercises because as long as we have a scattered and confused mind we can not heal our physical ailments.

The medicines we drink may temporarily heal us but our symptoms keeps on recurring once the immediate effect of the medicines wears off.

It is powerful but still the free will to utilize it will still depend on us. We are not force or coerce , we have to want to make it work,

Martes, Hunyo 14, 2011

I Remember My Dad

Right after college I decided to fly my own wings, look for a job in a nearby province where I worked as a guidance counselor in a university. I can still remember the pain in my dad's face as tell him that I am leaving home to work somewhere else.

How time flies that was 23 years ago and here I am now with my 16 years old son going to college. I have no choice but to let him live in the city where most good schools are.

I suddenly remember the day I was telling my Dad that I am gonna leave home and work in another place.

Dad has left us three years ago to join His creator. So he could not tease me now with my dilemma .

I  miss having my son every day at home. Now he goes home during weekends .

Suddenly time is of the essence , pretty soon my twin daughters will also go to college and I am literally home alone. I decided two years ago to leave the corporate world to be  a full time mom.

These past two years is quite a learning experience for me. It is just now that I am getting to know my children. Sometimes you wonder and perhaps my co-workers too, why leave a high paying job with all its frills and job titles.

Well, I have no regrets because these past two years I have gotten to know my kids.  Now I am there when I am needed... fetch them from school...go to the bookstore to buy their projects...just simply malling and bonding as a family.

It was worth the sacrifice. Dad would usually remind me then that I have no time for my children. It's all work for me. When I have to bring my youngest daughter to the doctor, I have to call him to bring her to the hospital or sometimes just be at my home to take care of my kids.

I was so consume by my work then.

When he died, I suddenly realize how short life is and that I have to hear his advise to have time for my family. So a year after he left us, I decided to resign from work and focus on my family.

I miss you Dad.

Lunes, Hunyo 13, 2011

Self Talk for Personal Development

I choose to improve myself in some way every day.

I have chosen to give myself a clean picture of who I am and how I want to be. I have made the clear
decision to create the best in myself.

Because I know what I want, I know what to do. I set good goals,  I make good plans, and I carry them out.

I choose to always give myself the time it takes to achieve my goals.

Improving myself comes easily to me.

I like who I am, but I also like getting better. For me, it is natural, automatic, and fun.

Improving myself is really important to me. Living up to my potential is an exciting and rewarding part of my life.

I always look for ideas that work . I read,I listen , I practice and I learn.

I constantly seek and find new ways to put good ideas to work in my life.

I always keep an open mind. I know that the next great idea could be just around the corner.

I find value in every experience, in every situation , in every individual, and in every opportunity.

I choose  to set and achieve specific goals.I write them down. I review them often. And I act on them everyday.

I alone am responsible for my own personal growth.

I know what I want. I know where I'm going. I know who I choose to be. And I know that it's all up to me.

Note : Got this from a book I read a couple of months ago.

Read it every day - good motivational material.

Have a great day.

Learning Silence

Having the time now to pray and reflect gives you a better appreciation of life. I learned to be more appreciative of the blessings that I have and the opportunities that are still coming my way.

Quiet time is one gift that man give himself. As each busy day passes by , life seems to be a routine but giving yourself the indulgence of praying, meditating .

Life before was all about work. It is what defines you. But know God has shown me a different path. Less stressful and more healthy.

Well, there are a lot of things to learn and each passing day gives you more lessons that gives you power to face life more meaningfully. The lessons learned tells you that after all your experiences and adventures in life, relationship is what matters.

Material wealth are temporary solutions. Healthy relationships gives you a natural joy and high.

Though the every day challenge of life seem to give you regrets but in reality these past years were the most happy and meaningful time in my life.

Being of service to my  children and husband has given me a different high.

Yes, there is a time for everything, a season for every reason.

After the challenge of work, of serving others.

Linggo, Hunyo 12, 2011

Our Ultimate Purpose

Just attended the Feast at the PICC Manila , facilitated by Bro. Bo Sanchez. The talk is all about Service.

I guess our ultimate purpose in our life is to SERVE.

What was mentioned earlier about service was :

1. Serve with Excellence

God gave us His best. He send Jesus, His only Son to save. So he also deserve the best from us. Anyway, what we give ultimately bounce back to us.The quality of our service goes back to us in terms of blessings.

Remember the story of the carpenter, who serve for a long time with his boss and when he submitted his resignation , his boss asked for the last time to build him a house.

But what did the carpenter did, he build a sloppy low quality house. Not knowing in the end, the house will be given to him as a GIFT.

It bounce back to us you see.

2. Serve with Endurance

We have tendencies to start off well but in the long run we waiver and give up. But the Lord always gives us the best and is always at our side no matter what.

Remember the popular Footprints in the Sand. He never forsake us.

3. Serve with Effectiveness

Learn to delegate. Share what we know by teaching others our skills. That way we  multiply ourselves.
Remember what you bring out goes back to you.

Yes by giving ourselves to the Lord, to others , we are fulfilling our life purpose.

Thanks Bro Bo and Rissa for the nice talk today. God Bless You

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

We usually blame everyone why we are miserable...the government, our parents, teachers, friends...then we wonder why we are a failure. We go through life missing the vital pieces...We search but we can not find the answers to our questions . Then.. . we got lost in the process.

The first thing we need to do is to appreciate what we have...take a deep breath now....yes we are alive. Isn't that something to be thankful for. We are given another day of life.

Is there anyone right now who have the assurance he will be here tomorrow... So be grateful for what you have ... Every day is a grace from God. Because we are here there is hope for us to redeem ourselves.

How do we find our purpose ? Search for your talent. What are you good at ? Singing? Writing ? Basketball?
For sure, you have a talent for something. Find that.

I have been an HR practioneer for the past 18 years and 6 years in the academe, when you ask prospective applicants or students how they see themselves in 5 years , you usually get vague answers like a stable job, have own family or just plain successful. But specific answers, once in a blue moon.

Maybe its high time you find that goal or dream that will excite you .

Create a VISION BOARD. Get an illustration board. Get pictures from magazines with things that fascinate you or that you desire. Paste it in your board. Guide your instincts.

What about this ? You have only 30 days to live. How will you live your life ? This will create a sense of urgency.What activities will you do to maximize the remaining days of your life ?
