Lunes, Hulyo 27, 2015

You Are The One

I just had you last night with me but I am already missing you . There are  so many things that we could share together . That is why I always look forward the time we could be together . I wish it is always Sunday ...because that's the day you gave me the chance to be with you ...

For the meantime , I have to do with memories ... memories of the times we spent together ... beautiful moments of sharing life at its best . Do you still remember those moments ? There is so much to share .

I could still vividly recall the first time I saw you ...since then you started to affect my life ..and I was never the same again .During the first years , I was confident that somehow you feel the same way as I do. But the succeeding years made me feel bitter and rejected .

Your reactions brought confusion in me . At times you were responsive but most of the time you were passive and apathetic . I decided to move away at that time and I just concentrated my energies on my studies .

Till we meet again ...I nurtured again the old crazy feeling I had for you . Then the chance to work in your province but you decided to stay in the city . Still we had the chance to get to know each other despite the 66 kilometers distance . I guess love always find a way.

My illusions started to form realistic visions . I now could talk to you with you. ..even for only short moments . At least that's better than having you in my fantasy land.

When I receive my appointment paper to work in your province , I was really happy . I assumed God has also answered  my prayers regarding my desire to be close to you .  Indeed a few months after that I received your proposal . God if I am dreaming , please don't wake me up .I lived too long in dreams that I could not anymore distinguish which is real , and which is not .

I was suspicious at the start , I might be more of a challenge to you and nothing else . But when you told me that unless I'll trust you and  give you the chance to prove your words , I will never know . So I took the risk ...we had so many trials in our relationship and yet you never gave up on me .

I am impulsive , whenever I am upset , I make hasty decisions . Yet you conquer that weak point in me . You manage to convince  and encourage me to go on and try again . Your one kind of  a book , of which I never stop to learn .

There are always new things I learn from you about how to handle life . You possess one important thing , which my collection of books does not have ...CONCERN... your unconditional love has given me renewed strength. Most people after being subjected to emotional hurt would usually give up on their relationship without trying to patch things up first .

Human nature is so fragile at times but you negate such reality . Basically you have trust on human nature . You have trust on me . At time I became careless and be overcome by my ever changing moods . Still you wouldn't lose faith in me. You believe I can bounce back whenever I fall . You help me move on . This is all because of your unconditional love .

I don't have to work hard to make you love me . You've taken me as I am. You have love me with my positive and negative qualities . It is such a nice and great feeling when you can simply be free to be you . No masks and pretensions . It is only now that I really understand what real love is .

Love at first sight ? That's what I felt when I first saw you . First love ? Because it never dies ... never gets tired . I have never really known the real meaning of love till I met you .

Love never gives up? Another cliche but I guess true with us because we manage to overcome all the crises we had . We have giving up points but those times had made us closer to one another .

My first love ...I will always treasure in my life . You gave directions and inspiration in my once bare and confusing existence . I have committed mistakes along the way , specially during the long years of waiting before you finally came into my life . But they only prove how much I have crave for your existence .

That is why even if you are already a part of my life , I still have fears and doubts . I am afraid of losing you . I wouldn't know what to do .Simply because no one could ever take your place in my heart . I had crushes then but they were only temporary , simple flings . Because at night , it is your vibrant image I would dream of .

I have done everything just to forget you but I could not . I have tried to fall in love but it was lifeless ... because in my heart lies your image . Carbon copies are poor copies , anyway. The original is still the best .

I have made myself busy with activities but even in my exhaustion I would call on your name. I tried to hide from reality but the more I get hurt . Only you can stop me from loving you . If such thing will make you happy . I will be willing to do it no matter how painful that will be for me . You know it is so tempting  to make you  a prisoner of my love but knowing that such kind of love could be suffocating  , I spare you the glass cage existence . I gave you the freedom to be yourself , of what you want yourself to be . As much as possible . I don't want to be a block in your own growth as a human person . Though at times I would insist to have my way in terms of values which are non-negotiable for me .

You are free not to follow my way . Take for instance , working overseas to earn dollars . You know very well I have little belief on money as a measure of success and happiness. Even this point in time , if you would still pursue your goals , you may anytime . But that would mean cancelling off our plans .while you are away . My only fear is success oftentimes change a person's perspective and attitude .

Life without you is dull , flat and simply empty . I remember when I was in Baguio for our annual retreat . I have look forward going there ever since  but when I was there , I could not really appreciate the beauty that was before my eyes , I was wishing to be with you since it was your birthday . That's why that night when I had the chance I readily place a long distance call .

During weekends , I would count the number of days and hours till it's Sunday . And I would go crazy at night coping up to keep you away from my mind because for sure i'll feel "homesick " The moment I feel that way , i"ll be depress of the situation ...the 66 kms distance ...

Sometimes during my depression, I would just look for another love who belong to my sphere of reality . But when I see you personally all my lonely feelings would disappear in thin air . No matter how plain the surroundings were , with your presence it becomes a paradise , a sight of beauty . Even in the silence of our togetherness I could still feel the essence of love.

As what an author once said , even if we are not speaking , we are still sending  messages by way of our body language . Silence , I guess , is needed for intimacies because you are given the chance to see things which you don't see when you are busy talking .

Anyway , communication is not just verbal , it also involves non-verbal techniques . As if I could not anymore live without you . I felt so weak and fragile because of that realization ...that I could not exist without you . So I tried coping up by pretending I could be strong and manage  on my own .

I was only making a fool of myself  because eventually you caught me in my pretensions , I was afraid that if you come to know how important you are in my life , you'll take advantage of it . For sure , that will make me helpless . I don't want to be a slave , who would just be  following her master's order .

I was preoccupied but could still use reason , my head in my actions and decisions . I guess that kept me on safer grounds . Of course , it's a different story now . I have learn to rely on you ,,,making you part of my  decision making process. I  have learn to share my life with you . I now understand the meaning of oneness , of unity .

Books gives me a picture of what psychological union is . But experiencing it is an altogether different thing . It has given life to my theories . After reading a theory in a book , as if you understand it's implication. But you do not really until you breathe life into it .

Real learning takes place in the laboratory of life .

Martes, Abril 28, 2015

The Stay Factor : Keeping the Best

I attended this training facilitated by Allied Domecq International trainor, Mr. Oscar Herrin. 

According to Alan Greenspan , " The limiting factor to continuing growth and prosperity is PEOPLE.
There are simply not enough people to feed the machine ".

The challenges goes ,

Think about a job you enjoyed and stayed with at least two years. 

Write down the three reasons you stayed with that job.

My present job I have been here for 7 years , the previous one 15 years...does this mean  I really enjoyed my job ? Or is it because I belong to a different generation ?

Three reasons why I stayed :

1. career advancement
2. the perks and the benefits
3. I get to do what I love , training on personal development

What is the cost of turn over ?

Pay may be the reason they say they are leaving but it is never why they stay

If you based it on the present minimum wage , it amounts to almost an annual cost of P 150,072.00 .
What is the cost to replace people leaving the company , about 70% of this annual pay amounts to P 105,050.40 because you have to train again the new hiree.

Is money the only reason why people leave ?

Is money the deciding factor ?

As an HR practitioner when you do exit interviews , most of the time , money is not the real problem but more on how they were treated inside the company.

People rarely quit a company , they more often leave bad bosses.

So how do we know what our employees wants ?

ASK ...

We just cannot guess ... we have to know what they want .  Why wait until they leave us ?
But what if I can't give them what they want ?

Reality # 1

Employees love being asked . Besides there are always some thing that we can do

Reality # 2

What if you don't ask , they will leave us anyway ?

Questions to ask Employees :

1. What would you really like to do - now or in the future ?

2. Are you challenged in your day to day work ? what would provide more interest or challenge ?

3. What would make life better for you on the job ?

4. Do you feel recognized for your accomplishments ? What else could you do ?

5. What will keep you here ? What might entice you away ?


The new gen , Gen x , Gen why , Gen Z , they crave for recognition . They love being the center of attention and praise for their good deeds . You have to be specific on what the right thing that was done so as not to confuse their monkey minds.

How do we show recognitions ?

Through performance reviews , recognition programs and awards , special assignments and privileges.

What's the best recognition program for employees ?


What's the best rewards for our employees ?



What happens if I train them and they leave ????

Better Question to ask :

What happens if I don't train them and they stay ?

According to study , the gen Xers will stay in the company that provide ongoing training and career growth.

Employees need to learn more skills to be productive .

Are you the Best Boss ? or are you a JERK ?

Jerk - intimidates , withhold praise , slams doors , belittle people , withhold information , acts arrogant ,set impossible goals/deadlines , humiliates or embarrass others, blames others , motivate by fear

So are you a best boss or a JERK ?

So how will we know if we are a best boss or a jerk ?


What programs to keep our employees ?


Set well defined duties and responsibilities where every one has a role to play and together as a team we achieve our set targets . There is supervision done and employees are empowered to make well defined decision process because there are set rules and procedures to follow.


Employees personal goals are aligned with the organizational goals and strategies. Employees are aware where the company is going in the future. There is a training program to gain the skills needed in the job.


Work life balance is a recent buzz words in organizational settings. We work hard but we also have to attend to our family needs to have this work life balance.  A study showed that 62 % prefers a time off with his family versus a monetary bonus.

So how do we know what is important to our employees ? 


If we want dramatic results then we need to make dramatic change .

Lunes, Marso 23, 2015

The Missing Piece

Have you ever experience it if you have everything in your life but you seem to be floating  , looking for something missing in your life ... and your search leads you to nothing in...

I have the blessings of a good career with a stable income ..all my children are college graduates and have  a work of their own..I have my own house , own car , all the physical manifestations of a prosperous life ... I have the so-called trimmings of a simple life... I have joy in my heart but still I am a searching for something I can not define .

Until I found this book of John Gray and he was discussing about our love tanks .

He said we have ten love tanks to fill in :

1. Love and support of God
2. Love and support of Parents
3. Friends, family and having fun
4. Peer support
5. Self-love
6. Relationships, partnerships and romance
7. Unconditional love to someone
8. Giving back to community
9. Giving back to the world
10. Serving God

I was so amaze while reading because little by little all my questions on myself are being answered by the principles of the book of John Gray.

All along I was searching and looking for all sorts of solutions for my life journey. Sometimes I also feel guilty because I am so blessed but I am still looking for something which I can not even define to myself.  Do I  need to give up something right now ? But on second thoughts I told myself am I sure to give up what I've worked for and even ask in my prayers. Every day there is a little voice nudging me to find my real purpose in my life . I am in my midlife and just like a teenager looking for his place under the sun , the so called identity crisis .

I am looking for a place where I can make a difference and share my experiences .  I feel  I can still stretch my abilities and help others be a success.

When I came upon this book of John Gray ,  I realize what has been missing in my life .  I have to strengthen and improve my relationship with God by serving the community and giving back to the world all the blessings God has given me . Serving God by serving His people with the talents and skills that He has given me to improve myself.

The missing piece in my life ... is God.

It is just right under my nose and I haven't seen it...

Thank you John Gray for enlightening me with your book on Love Tanks.

Miyerkules, Enero 7, 2015


Have you ever experience in your life to make a dream board ?

At the start of the year instead of making resolutions , why not make dream goals ?

Know what you want in your life ? Define your picture of success .

Do you have life dreams that you have been wanting to achieve ?

Why are you not letting them happen ? What prevents you from attaining these life goals ?

I remember making my first dream board in 2009 ... and as I recall now almost all of what I place in my dream board has happen...a SUV ( sports utility vehicle ) , laptop , stock investments, happy family ... there is still one ...which I am working on and hopefully I will manifest to reality in 2015.

The power of making your life dreams come true...manifest into reality.

I remember receiving an email in 2009 saying that only 3% of college graduates become successful. The study said that what differentiates the successful and the failures ... is the power of having life goals.

Personal goals serve as guideposts gives directions where we are headed ...imagine how will you reach your destination when in the first place you do not know where you are headed.

How do you make a dream board

First define what you want to do with your life .

Get a board  , start with a 8" x 10" , make a collage from your old magazine files . Look for pictures of things you want to have in your life .. car , own house , a Guess watch, a promotion, own business...
whatever defines you.With your cut out pictures , paste them in your dream board. Then place this "art work" in a place where you can always see it every day. Pray to God to manifest what is in your dream board.

 Have a great life.