Sabado, Hulyo 7, 2012

Meditation Works

Meditation seems a mystery to some people because of its association to certain religious affiliations. But meditation is like praying.

Stress causes us to be sick. And meditation relaxes our body. Thus , it becomes a part of intervention to heal the body.

Most of the time, our problems is not just our body but our spirit or soul. Meditation helps us to talk to our spirit. It brings us to the natural state of our body which we abuse through drugs, alcohol, food and others.

How do we meditate ? There are a lot of materials in meditation. Usually it asks us to clear our so called "monkey mind". Then we close our eyes and think or visualize a calm place where we feel relaxed. For how long do we meditate ? We may not have time in our busy lives but you can start with 10 minutes every day.Then you gradually increase you time as you feel comfortable with it.

Managing our stress is not really expensive. A journal notebook to release our emotional hurts we have in our heart. Praying and meditating does not cost us anything to practice. All these are free and available to us without burdening our wallets for an additional budget.

Just find time to do it and for sure you will be well and happy.

Have a great life.

Prayer Heals

When I was diagnose with an ovarian cyst in 2004 and was advise to have a hysterectomy. Afraid of the surgery , I turn to prayers. I prayed the novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help and after six (6) months when I went back to the doctor, my ultrasound showed no more cyst.

Prayer really heals.

Ever since that time, prayer has become my refuge. I still go to medical doctors for consultation , once in a while. But since my healing I became  "addicted" to God's everlasting love and affection, I feel much stonger now and has lessen my dependence on medications.

God is My Healer....


As research shows that emotional hurts causes us to get sick, part of the healing process is journaling. We maybe  the quiet type who repress our emotional pain within  ourself, thus, journaling is a tool we can use to let go off tension and unexpressed hurt in our lives.

Buy a notebook your are comfortable with. If you are more at ease you can use your computer. As much as you can record your daily thoughts . Then analyze what is the common theme that surrounds your thought processes. Is it about a past love that you can not get over with ? Or a  parental authority that until now commands your daily decision ? Are you suffering from low self esteem ?

Just let the emotional strain flow by writing your thoughts, as I've said until you have expose your inner dialogues , you will not heal because the pain becomes buried in our unconscious mind. And repressed emotions causes stress in our inner body and when stress strikes, we become sick.

Journaling does not require us to have good grammar. We may use any dialect or language we are comfortable and fluent with . Feel as if you are communicating with yourself or with a higher Divine source, God.

Try it.

It works !