Stress causes us to be sick. And meditation relaxes our body. Thus , it becomes a part of intervention to heal the body.
Most of the time, our problems is not just our body but our spirit or soul. Meditation helps us to talk to our spirit. It brings us to the natural state of our body which we abuse through drugs, alcohol, food and others.
How do we meditate ? There are a lot of materials in meditation. Usually it asks us to clear our so called "monkey mind". Then we close our eyes and think or visualize a calm place where we feel relaxed. For how long do we meditate ? We may not have time in our busy lives but you can start with 10 minutes every day.Then you gradually increase you time as you feel comfortable with it.
Managing our stress is not really expensive. A journal notebook to release our emotional hurts we have in our heart. Praying and meditating does not cost us anything to practice. All these are free and available to us without burdening our wallets for an additional budget.
Just find time to do it and for sure you will be well and happy.
Have a great life.