Huwebes, Oktubre 4, 2012

Family Time

One of those times that I enjoy family time was when my family would go out of town for a couple of days stay in a hotel ...we were all in one room, eating , watching cable TV, just talking, reading etc... just being together.. all in one room ... close and connected.

I really missed those moments . Nowadays because of the nature of my work I could not afford to go on a long vacation. My department is so lean that I could only have short vacation ...a day probably...

Last New Year 2012 we had a short vacation in Subic Bay because my youngest can not go home for the New Year because of her on the job training. Enjoy!

We used to go to La Union almost every year for 3 days plus a day trip to Baguio. Just having fun together.I wonder now my children are all grown up and having a life of their own... even a mind of their own...if we could still have those summer adventures...

Family Time... simple yet enjoyable and truly relaxing...

Huwebes, Setyembre 6, 2012

You have What you Need

I read today that we already have what we need to do
what we are destined to do in this life.
We are given the gifts, the talents we need to fulfill our God given mission.
We just need to open our minds to the possibilities around us.
Seeing what is there in our midst instead of looking for what is not there
We have to believe we have the potential,
 the capacity to reach our God given dreams.
Let us develop the core gifts that we have.

Before we are ask to strengthen our weaknesses
but now the call is to focus on our strengths.

Develop them to the best of our abilities.
The focus nowadays is on what is positive,
accentuate our best traits.

Well sounds logical than spend our energy on our weaknesses
or on what is wrong with us.
Each of us are given gifts
but we have to hone them
so we can use them to be of better service to others.

So don't just look around
because what we are looking for is already with us...
in our midst...
just quiet your monkey mind
and you will find the answer.

Have a great life
and enjoy what you have now..

Miyerkules, Setyembre 5, 2012

Embrace where you are

In our life
most of the time
we look for things
that is not there in our midst.

However because of this mindset
we failed to appreciate what we have.

Being grateful
keeps us bless
since we appreciate
whatever is given our way.

Embracing where we are right now
keeps us grounded.
It makes us appreciate
what is there in our life ...
be it people or things that we possess .

A grateful spirit
makes us see the beauty of nature ,,,
the kindness of our loved ones ..
the thoughtfulness of people we interact with ...

Because we appreciate what we have ,
the more blessings comes our way .
We open our eyes to what is there ...
to what is given ...
and then the more is given to us...

Embracing the present ...
makes our past
a stepping stone for greater things
and anticipating the future with excitement ...

Thank you Lord for all the blessings...

Sabado, Hulyo 7, 2012

Meditation Works

Meditation seems a mystery to some people because of its association to certain religious affiliations. But meditation is like praying.

Stress causes us to be sick. And meditation relaxes our body. Thus , it becomes a part of intervention to heal the body.

Most of the time, our problems is not just our body but our spirit or soul. Meditation helps us to talk to our spirit. It brings us to the natural state of our body which we abuse through drugs, alcohol, food and others.

How do we meditate ? There are a lot of materials in meditation. Usually it asks us to clear our so called "monkey mind". Then we close our eyes and think or visualize a calm place where we feel relaxed. For how long do we meditate ? We may not have time in our busy lives but you can start with 10 minutes every day.Then you gradually increase you time as you feel comfortable with it.

Managing our stress is not really expensive. A journal notebook to release our emotional hurts we have in our heart. Praying and meditating does not cost us anything to practice. All these are free and available to us without burdening our wallets for an additional budget.

Just find time to do it and for sure you will be well and happy.

Have a great life.

Prayer Heals

When I was diagnose with an ovarian cyst in 2004 and was advise to have a hysterectomy. Afraid of the surgery , I turn to prayers. I prayed the novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help and after six (6) months when I went back to the doctor, my ultrasound showed no more cyst.

Prayer really heals.

Ever since that time, prayer has become my refuge. I still go to medical doctors for consultation , once in a while. But since my healing I became  "addicted" to God's everlasting love and affection, I feel much stonger now and has lessen my dependence on medications.

God is My Healer....


As research shows that emotional hurts causes us to get sick, part of the healing process is journaling. We maybe  the quiet type who repress our emotional pain within  ourself, thus, journaling is a tool we can use to let go off tension and unexpressed hurt in our lives.

Buy a notebook your are comfortable with. If you are more at ease you can use your computer. As much as you can record your daily thoughts . Then analyze what is the common theme that surrounds your thought processes. Is it about a past love that you can not get over with ? Or a  parental authority that until now commands your daily decision ? Are you suffering from low self esteem ?

Just let the emotional strain flow by writing your thoughts, as I've said until you have expose your inner dialogues , you will not heal because the pain becomes buried in our unconscious mind. And repressed emotions causes stress in our inner body and when stress strikes, we become sick.

Journaling does not require us to have good grammar. We may use any dialect or language we are comfortable and fluent with . Feel as if you are communicating with yourself or with a higher Divine source, God.

Try it.

It works !

Sabado, Hunyo 2, 2012

A broken spirit...

So how do you heal a broken spirit?

How do you deal with someone who has a closed minded spirit? When all you say to him fell on a deaf ear...

How can you improve the situation when the one who will decide to make the difference does not seem to care?

How do you bring back a smooth working relation when sides are already taken?

Well you wonder how to move the situation in a better place...

Continue to search for answers...

Biyernes, Hunyo 1, 2012

One more time...

Have you ever experience joy that you wish it will not end

If you can just freeze the moment stuck with the happiness in your heart

And you wonder why this feeling can not last forever

If you can just put in a time capsule...for you to savor each day of your life

But you know what ... you can experience this joy daily guarding our thoughts..

Our thoughts create our reality... i notice when i guard my thoughts with positive things...i feel joy in my heart

Sometimes i even wonder how come i feel so happy inside could not contain the joy in your heart

One more time...can be an every day occurence if we just fill our minds

With dreams, sweet memories, past accomplishments, loving feelings...all positive energy to fill our life

Have a great life...

Huwebes, Mayo 31, 2012

Comfort zone

Most of the time we got stuck just because we feel so comfortable from where we are.
Why aspire for more if it will entail hardwork
Why dream when you fail you will just feel pain
So we try to stay in our comfort zones where no one can hurt us
But the big but is in our comfort zones we feel something is missing on our lives
Times when we feel frustrated or depressed
Maybe the comfort zone is a temporary refuge
But deep inside us we know God has bigger plans for us
When we realize our potential to be better even greater
We start to re think and change our ways we then feel better with ourselves
Time to leave our comfort zone and answer God's call...for greatness

Miyerkules, Mayo 30, 2012

Just a day...

Sometimes you wonder how you could be so bless.

So you do good to deserve all your blessings.

A life with God gives you all these benefits.

Some people may wonder they think they are working hard but life still seem hard

Probably because you fail to appreciate what you grateful...

God has given us a universe where all that we need is there...ever present...amongst us..

Linggo, Enero 15, 2012

My Dad, My Mentor

Who am I today is a result of my Dad's mentoring. He is not a genius nor a true blooded professional , in fact , he was just an ordinary rank and file employee in a famous hotel chain in the 80s.

But he mentored me first to believe in my self and my capabilities. He taught me how to weave my dreams by doing good in my education. He did everything possible to provide for me a good education. Up until now that confdence lead me to opportunities that gave me a better life and a better perspective of things around me.

While I was growing up we had a hard life, maybe because we were seven in the family and my Dad was the only one working. Though on the side  my Mom was having small buy and sell ventures of her own. Plus the many supportive relatives we had both here and abroad ( my Tita Baby, Tita Leony , Tita Norma, Tito Totoy , etc ) . But this did not deter my Dad to provide for my future. He did not finished his education, not even his high school education because he got married at any early age of 18. But despite these odds and the prodding of some relatives that as a girl, I will just get married and not worth to invest in my future.

Together we journey through life,and when I graduated in college and work, I guess  he was the happiest person on earth. He was so proud of me and my accomplishments. I remember during family reunions, he would brag with our so called rich relatives that he does not have material possessions, but we , his children, are his treasures.

Most of my rich relatives have problems with their children's behavior. And us, Dad, was proud because we were all doing good in school, most of us were even scholars in our respective universities.

Mentors are not just people who provide us with technical knowledge but like Dad, he gave me values and motivation to succeed in life. He has joined the Lord 9 years ago but until now the values he has instilled in my spirit still prevails. I still persevere, create new dreams for myself and strive to be a better person. During his funeral wake, there were a lot of people telling us how Dad help them in some ways. Funny, we got to know about it only when he passed away. He serve not just his family but even other people, in whatever way he can. He did not have the materials riches to boast of but he has spiritual riches through serving others.

Now that I am at this point in my life when my focus shift to my other life journey, my children pretty soon will  all be college graduates and I have the resources to make a difference in other's lives . Just like Dad, he was able to make a difference in other people's lives.

I miss you Dad, now that I have time to focus on what really matters in life...I wish we could go to a nearby mall and have a lunch date...just the two of us ...just simply talking about how life is are days are spent ...just a slow day to unwind and bond .

When you were still with us , I was so busy earning a living for my family. I did not have the luxury of time then to have lunch dates . My life then was so full of work activities and responsibilities. I hardly had time even for myself  and one time you told me even to my kids. All I have then was my career because I believe this is the source of my income to provide for the needs of my kids.

In 2003, when you went to be with the Lord, I re-evaluated my life and priorities. I decided to resign and leave my flourishing career. I was  at the top of my career , with access to the top management of  my company being a Department Manager. But I left all these material trimmings and went to focus with my family. Dad was always telling me I don't have time for my kids. So for  four (4) years, I was a stay at home Mom, doing all the housework and cooking . I wish Dad was seeing me doing these for my kids and the lunch date with him.

How will I make that difference like what Dad did ? I will share with others the wisdom that my life and work experience has given me. I will continue conducting workshops on Goal Setting , Managing Stress and Leadership Development . Someday I will write a book on Healing, Blessings and Miracles.

Just like Dad, I don't have the material possessions to boast of but my knowledge and experience I can share.. how I was able to achieve all my dreams the Lord has blessed me and my family by being faithful to Him.

THANKS DAD,  you are the best ... as always...