There are moments in every life that are disruptive . Moving through life tasks can be crowded with difficulty and anxiety . Inner turmoil can be created that can make one feel disconnected and chaotic .
If you find yourself in that place , stop for a moment and just breathe deeply . Find that calm place even if you feel you grip upon it is tenuous . With each breathe you take see your hold on it becoming stronger until you are able to continue moving through the experience .
You did not incarnate to fail . You came to this place to prosper and grow. Each task before you was pre planned by you . Summon your inner most strength to accomplish the goal.
We realize that often it is most difficult to do that , however you are a strong energy with the ability to perform miracles from within .
Do not let yourself become hopeless . You do have the willpower to move through the drama.
Let your inner calm take charge.
Center your energy with the determination to accomplish the task .
By changing your chaos to calm ,you put all parties on notice that you are serious . The new mix will affect those around you . Those who would wish to partner with you in negativity will have to find someone else to exchange with.
You are no longer interested.
Breathe .
Find the calm within .
It's there .