Biyernes, Enero 29, 2016

Finding Your Place in the World

We came into this world alone but in order to live, we have to find where we fit in this world . As we go on through life's journey , it is important we understand how the universal law of nature works .

Take a good look at the world in which you live . Where will you best fit in ?  How can you serve others ? No one can answers these questions but you .

If you let others answer these questions for you , you will end up being lost and continuously yearning for life's meaning , just because you let others decide for your place in this world .

To live a successful life , the world  requires that we cooperate , We must establish our own credibility and evaluate the credibility of people we associate with . Credibility means having integrity and a vision or purpose in life .

The world will cooperate with you if your task has benefits for others , or to the world .

Take time to prepare a comprehensive presentation on your projects , because if it is acceptable , not only will the necessary resources cooperate with you but the world will deliver your success on your terms.

Biyernes, Enero 15, 2016


My twin daughters decided to go home unscheduled from their Middle East work to be with their eldest brother during his ear surgery . I admire you so much ... you made your  Kuya D . happy and gave him strength prior to the surgery .

Your love has shown us the best qualities that you have ... God has bless you with a loving and gracious heart . Despite shouldering your own expense and leaving your work responsibilities , you decided to be with your Kuya D.

The 10 days that we were together as a family , as Team Santos brought so much memories of the times that we were always together prior to your Middle East adventures . Our various road trips across Luzon ... our weekly Feast PICC with Bro Bo Sanchez ...our monthly dinner treats ..We will miss you ...

We respect your desire to find your destiny ... we are praying for your future success  and safety every day.

We are looking forward  your next visit ... GOD BLESS YOU MORE...

We love you more..

Miyerkules, Enero 13, 2016

I Miss Home

Home maybe a structure where we live day to day , a roof to cover our heads from the elements . Simply a house to shelter us from the busy life that we all have .

But a real home is where the people we love we interact , bond and share our stories .

I miss home ... for about a year now , my twin daughters decided to work overseas, somewhere in the Middle East ... fly their own wings and find their destiny . My eldest son works in the city and stay with my Mom. So practically it's just me and my husband . There are even times now I am home alone my husband travels in the provinces as part of his work.

We use to be all together in our home but the past year , the usual lively conversations turn to quiet meditation of sorts ...tired from the day's work ...we just quietly eat dinner and watch TV then eventually sleep to prepare for next day's work .

Late last year we had a medical challenge as my eldest son needs to undergo an ear surgery . We all got alarm and worried . Unscheduled my twin daughters decided to go home to be with their eldest brother during his surgery . Even sacrificing their savings for the previous year just to go home .

Wow ..I am so elated knowing how my children loved each other that much  ... sacrificing their hard earned money just to be with us during this medical challenge . We were so happy for 10 short days ...just like old times ...the homey feeling is back... eating together , watching movies , just nothing conversations  but still you can feel the happiness of being home ...

Thank you Lord the surgery went well. My twin daughters are back in their Middle East place of work . Things you can say is back to normal but the good memories lingers on and on ..

Looking forward for their next visit and the full healing of my son...

Home is where you heart is ....