Linggo, Oktubre 9, 2011

Steve Jobs

I don't have an Ipod but my son has. I don't have a Mac computer but my boss has one. Steve Jobs has become famous on his death. Well, for me Bill Gates is more popular because of Microsoft and he has some charity works too. But Steve Jobs, a little low profile. He comes out only when he launched his new product lines.

With all the media feed these past days after his death  what struck me was his learning when he was young that he treats each day as if it it his last day....

I also teach that in my seminars that I conducted ...Today is the last day for the rest of my life...Then you ask the participants, "What three (3) things you would like to do if you have only 36 hours to live ?"

Majority responded on things that really matters...God , family , relatives... your material riches you can not bring it when you die ...

Well, not everyone can afford his products but the principles he left behind is for everyone to catch on... Stay Hungry...Stay Foolish...Think Different....

His humble beginnings has created a hunger in him or a desperation to succeed in his life...he seems simple but his impact to the world is truly amazing...a college drop out but now a billionaire...

Then you realize life is short and even the richest man of earth can not prevent his death...

Again as most of my seminar participants would want to do at their last 36 hours on earth...they want to ask for forgiveness to God or their family... spend time with the Lord and their family...

Then at the end of the seminar, you ask your participants,  when will do you do all these three things that you wrote....

The powerpoint slide shows "NOW"

Truly indeed let's do them now...let's given time to the Lord and our family... for no one knows when we leave this earth... there is no insurance policy that will ensure you will be here tomorrow...maybe if there is one it will sell like a hotcake.

Steve Jobs, you are truly amazing....